The Curriculum
KDL provides an excellent curriculum designed to build a strong foundation in the core areas of English, Maths, Science, Digital Technology and Problem Solving Skills as well as a lateral ...

School & Class Organisation
Green and Serene Environment:- Our school site is green and serene, with well-manicured lawns and flowers which are designed to make our children feel at home. We also have extensive ...

Key Subject Areas
At this foundation stage our focus is on the core subjects of Literacy, Maths and Science supplemented by other extension subjects. Literacy is taught as a daily lesson organized into ...

Strong Remediation Focus
Remediation is our strength and we operate under the maxim “leave no child behind”. Our remedial programs are tailored to the unique needs of each child often targeting speech development, ...

Homework and After School Activities
HOMEWORK We leverage on homework to reinforce the day’s lesson and instill in the children the culture of responsible behavior through healthy work habits while at the same time helping ...

Parent Cooperation and Involvement
At KDL we believe that School only complements the efforts of parents whose primary responsibility is the education of children. We therefore expect parents to take a keen interest in ...

Discipline and Morality
Success begins with discipline. Our focus is therefore on raising disciplined mannerly and well behaved children. We insist on courteous and respectful behavior at all times. Weekly grace and courtesy ...

Health and Well-being
Healthy Eating is integral to general well-being and healing. At KDL we encourage as much intake of natural foods, fruits and vegetables as can be. No artificial additives are used ...